'Pen names are masks that allow us to unmask ourselves.'
Danielle Wood also writes as Minnie Darke and Angelica Banks.
Minnie Darke is the author of two internationally successful romantic comedies, Star-crossed and The Lost Love Song.
Angelica Banks, a collaboration with fellow Tasmanian writer Heather Rose, is the author of a trilogy of children's novels, Finding Serendipity, A Week Without Tuesday and Blueberry Pancakes Forever.

Perhaps you're curious about why a writer would choose to publish under multiple names?
Danielle explains her thoughts in this essay in the Sydney Review of Books and also in Becoming Minnie Darke.pdf, from Island magazine.

The mural featured in photographs of Minnie Darke is the work of Brain Foetus.
The photographs of Minnie Darke are by Karen Brown Photography.